When there is good communication about oil
the lifespan of an engine can be extended.
When there is good communication about a disease
the lifespan of a patient can be extended.
When there is good communication about a sports car
it can give you messy hair.
When there is good communication about an association
of oncology patients you can get hair again.
When there is good communication about a GPS
you can find out what road to take.
When there is good communication about drug addiction
you can find out what road not to take.
FMad, the Health Communication Consulting Agency. But not only...
FMad is a communication agency and 80% of its operations are in the health sector. Why health? Because it is at the heart of our all concerns, because like our grandmothers said:
‘When your health is good, everything is good’. Even if it is a little more complicated than that….
Today, developing projects with high creative added value is essential in this sector.
If a campaign about screening for a pathology is just average, it will be less likely to be seen by the people it is aimed at, which may potentially affect their state of health. We do not have the right to be mediocre in this sector, even less than elsewhere.
But don’t just take our word for it, come and discover yourself.
Why don’t we talk about it?
‘Why don’t we talk about it?’ is a catchphrase that we use, usually at the end of our films that are made for healthcare professionals, to open discussions with the people who receive our messages.
Today it’s you we are speaking to, you who are advertisers, talents or already customers.
We would be delighted to talk to you whatever your needs may be.